Transform Your Office Into a High-Performing Hub
If your office work processes are becoming overly time-consuming, plagued by frequent rework, hindered by limited capacity, or causing frustration due to the underutilization of team members, this program is tailor-made for you. Welcome to MANTEC’s comprehensive program that empowers you to cultivate high-performing teams in various domains including Human Resources, Supply Chain, Procurement, Customer Services, IT, Finance, Legal, and Facility Services. By embracing the best practices of Lean, Six Sigma, and Quality, you’ll not only accelerate your office’s productivity but also make it more sustainable, flexible, responsive, and suitable for remote or part-time work.
What You’ll Learn
Upon completing this three-course program, you will acquire the skills and knowledge to:
- Evaluate your current office’s performance, chart existing workflows, and pinpoint bottlenecks.
- Seamlessly integrate people, processes, and technology to streamline activities.
- Define and clarify team roles and responsibilities.
- Develop an annual improvement plan and establish new standard work processes.
- Employ performance metrics to monitor progress effectively.
- Institute and lead Team Huddles for collaborative excellence.
By attending these sessions and actively engaging with your office challenges, you will leave the course with:
- A profound understanding of the methodologies and skills required to create high-performing office teams.
- A comprehensive analysis of customer wants and needs.
- An office-wide map outlining priority areas for improvement.
- An annual improvement plan, complete with the necessary support and resources.
- Drafted position profiles that clearly define expectations and responsibilities.
- An optimized process marked by improved cycle times, quality, and reduced frustration.
- Kaizen certification to demonstrate your expertise.
Additionally, this course will help you drive increased productivity and optimize your office’s capacity.
Who Should Attend
This program is ideal for:
- Office leaders (emerging and current leaders, supervisors, and team leaders) looking to enhance the quality, lead times, and output of their work processes.
- Improvement leaders and champions aiming to advance their skills in Lean, Six Sigma, People, and Change to elevate office (both manufacturing and non-manufacturing) performance.
- Quality Managers seeking to expedite process quality improvements and changes.
- Project Managers responsible for leading office transformation projects.
- Financial and Business Analysts leveraging data analysis for significant process enhancements.
- IT professionals who desire to bridge people, processes, and systems for more efficient and effective office workflows.
Time: 8:00 – 4:30
About the Courses
This course follows adult-based learning principles (Tell-Show-Do-Recycle) to ensure that knowledge and changes become ingrained. It also includes team and individual coaching with the instructors to guarantee that your efforts yield the desired benefits.
Course 1 – High-Performance Focus
- Intro, What and Why of a high-performing organization
- Using data to evaluate and identify priority performance gaps
- Organization: Diagnostic
- Customer: Determine what customers are saying and what office processes to improve
- Process: Understand priority current workflows (internal handoffs & pain points)
- People: Team assessment/diagnostic
- Prioritize & select annual improvements
- Cascade the improvement plan to leaders and team members
- Confirm/approve the plan with leaders
- Lead the annual improvement plan: what, how, why
- Change preparation – how to get and sustain support
- Dates: January 16-17 | February 13-14 (+ 1:1 coaching)
- Number of Sessions: 4 classroom sessions, with additional 1:1 coaching.
- Course Times: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Cost: $2,500
- Location: MANTEC Office, York
- Requirements: Consistent attendance, active group participation, and leadership commitment to allow participants to apply their learnings, engage team members, and create tangible benefits.
- WEDNET eligible: Yes. This course is eligible for reimbursement under the WEDnetPA state training grant at $2,000 per employee (subject to eligibility, funding, and compliance). Our in-house grant specialists are ready to assist you in applying for this or other available funding programs to reduce your net investment.
Future Program Courses
- Course 2: Establish the Infrastructure: March 19-20 | April 16-17 (+ 1:1 coaching)
- Course 3: Create an Improved Office Process: May 14-15 | June 11-12 (+ 1:1 coaching)
This course follows adult-based learning principles (Tell-Show-Do-Recycle) to ensure that knowledge and changes become ingrained. It also includes team and individual coaching with the instructors to guarantee that your efforts yield the desired benefits.
Course 2: Establish the Infrastructure:
Learn and begin implementing a high-performing structure including
- Role & responsibility clarity
- Active listening & communicating
- Continually improving
- Performance measures
- Team problem solving
- Standard work processes performed consistently
- Prepare for & embrace change
- Dates: March 19-20 | April 16-17 (+ 1:1 coaching)
- Number of Sessions: 4 classroom sessions, with additional 1:1 coaching.
- Course Times: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Cost: $2,500
- Location: MANTEC Office, York
- Requirements: Consistent attendance, active group participation, and leadership commitment to allow participants to apply their learnings, engage team members, and create tangible benefits.
- Prerequisites: Completion of Course 1 is required for Course 2.
- WEDNET eligible: Yes. This course is eligible for reimbursement under the WEDnetPA state training grant at $2,000 per employee (subject to eligibility, funding, and compliance). Our in-house grant specialists are ready to assist you in applying for this or other available funding programs to reduce your net investment.
Future Program Courses
- Course 3: Create an Improved Office Process: May 14-15 | June 11-12 (+ 1:1 coaching)
This course follows adult-based learning principles (Tell-Show-Do-Recycle) to ensure that knowledge and changes become ingrained. It also includes team and individual coaching with the instructors to guarantee that your efforts yield the desired benefits.
Course 3: Create an Improved Office Process:
Gain the skills to lead a rapid process improvement with Kaizen with benefits within a few weeks.
- Selecting process improvement project
- Kaizen method (what, why, how)
- Confirm/prepare for process improvement
- Perform Kaizen team facilitation
- Creating sticky change
- Improvement project handoff
- Dates: May 14-15 | June 11-12 (+ 1:1 coaching)
- Number of Sessions: 4 classroom sessions, with additional 1:1 coaching.
- Course Times: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
- Cost: $2,500
- Location: MANTEC Office, York
- Requirements: Consistent attendance, active group participation, and leadership commitment to allow participants to apply their learnings, engage team members, and create tangible benefits.
- Prerequisites: Completion of Courses 1 and 2 is required for Course 3.
- WEDNET eligible: Yes. This course is eligible for reimbursement under the WEDnetPA state training grant at $2,000 per employee (subject to eligibility, funding, and compliance). Our in-house grant specialists are ready to assist you in applying for this or other available funding programs to reduce your net investment.
Course 4: 5S & Visual Controls: September 17-18-19
Individuals often report that several hours per day are wasted in searching for materials, equipment, and information needed to do their job! In this phase, you will learn the 5S methods and skills to decrease searching and getting ready wastes, improve productivity, and create an environment that is safe, and visual and supports work processes. The training encompasses both physical and virtual work environments.
Course 5: Mistake Proofing (AKA POKA YOKE): October 15-16-17
Creating a high-performing environment where human errors and defects are not accepted; instead, errors and defects are identified, and work processes are redesigned to control and minimize the occurrence and effects of human error. This phase provides the knowledge and skills to effectively and efficiently facilitate the systematic Mistake Proofing approach to prevent defects associated with “human error” and avoid the costs resulting from those defects.
Course 6: Process Flow, Balanced Work & Kanbans: November 12-13 + December 10-11
Accelerate the speed and improve the quality of a process or product by eliminating wait times, rework times, and other delays. Significant process improvement can be achieved with the application of 1. Flow one unit at a time (or minimum batch size), 2. Create balanced resources and workflow rate; 3. Implement kanbans and visual controls to pull products or information.
If you have questions about any courses, please contact Andrew Lane.